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     HACKING is an educational process of working through a problem
     with limited knowledge to arrive at a solution which improves the 
     individual's understanding of the problem.

     The word HACK (as techie JARGON) originated with the MIT Tech Model
     RailRoad Club (TMRC) in the 1950's.  Members of the club would call
     their clever modifications to electronic switching relays 'hacks'.
     When the TX-0 and PDP-1 machines were introduced, the TMRC members
     began using their jargon to describe what they were doing with the
     computers.  This went on for years as new machines such as the PDP-6
     and later the PDP-10 were introduced. 

     A HACK is a solution that has seemingly magical properties.  "Its not
     suppose to work, but I HACKed it into working."

     What the TMRC (Tech Model RailRoad Club) says about hacking:

            We at TMRC use the term "hacker" only in its original   
            meaning, someone who applies ingenuity to create a      
            clever result, called a "hack". The essence of a "hack"  
            is that it is done quickly, and is usually inelegant.   
            It accomplishes the desired goal without changing the   
            design of the system it is embedded in.  Despite often  
            being at odds with the design of the larger system, a   
            hack is generally quite clever and effective.           

            This original benevolent meaning stands in stark        
            contrast to the later and more commonly used meaning of 
            a "hacker", typically as a person who breaks into       
            computer networks in order to steal or vandalize. Here  
            at TMRC, where the words "hack" and "hacker" originated 
            and have been used proudly since the late 1950s, we     
            resent the misapplication of the word to mean the       
            committing of illegal acts. People who do those things  
            are better described by expressions such as "thieves",  
            "password crackers". or "computer vandals". They are    
            certainly not true hackers, as they do not understand   
            the hacker ethic.                                       

             There is nothing wrong with HACKING or being a HACKER. 

     What you must understand is that TRESPASSING, MALICE, BREAKING AND
     ENTERING and DECEPTION have absolutely nothing to do with HACKING.

     TRESPASSING:  The act of unlawfully entering or damaging property or
     the rights of another.  Logging into or accessing someone else's 
     computer (property) without their consent.

     MALICE:  A desire to harm others or to see others suffer; extreme ill
     will or spite. 

     BREAKING AND ENTERING:  The act of entering property without permission
     by way of the act or force through picking or breaking a lock; guessing
     a computer account password or other methods of trespass.

     DECEPTION:  The act of altering another's perception of the truth by
     taking advantage of their trust for personal gain and without concern
     for the consequences.

     If you believe these or other criminal actions have anything to do with
     HACKING, then please consider running the 'delme' command.


©1987-2065 SDF Public Access UNIX System, Inc. 501(c)(7)
(this page was generated using ksh, sed and awk)