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INTERNET Game Server List and Game Information for SDF.ORG
There are several multiplayer games that you can play on SDF via the shell and clients run on your computer
xscrabble - scrabble over X11
minecraft - blocky 3D craft work
- minecraft.sdf.org
- requires Mojang client
Counter Strike Source - Terrorist/Counter Terrorist simulator
- cs.sdf.org
- requires Steam client
Garry's Mod - Half Life 2 in a craft work world
- gm.sdf.org
- requires Steam client
freeciv - Free Civilization
SDF Mud (ResortMUD)
- mud.sdf.org port 4000
- info: wm.sdf.org/mud
- Clients on SDF:
- Type 'mud' at the shell
- TinyFugue: type 'tf mud.sdf.org 4000'
- Other Clients:
tetrinet - Up to 6 player tetris
BZFlag - Battle Zone Capture The Flag
$Id: games_server_list.html,v 1.11 2024/07/24 21:00:20 cseiler Exp $
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