pico is a simple, display-oriented text editor originally developed for the pine e-mail client. pico is the default editor for SDF's bboard system.
(The key sequence "Esc Esc x" can be used instead of "^x".)
^B | Backward character | ^F | Forward character |
^P | Previous line | ^N | Next line |
^A | beginning of line | ^E | End of line |
^Y | backward page | ^V | forward page |
^W | search | ^L | refresh display |
^D | Delete character | ^^ | set mark |
^K | cut region | ^U | paste |
^I | Insert tab | ^J | Justify paragraph |
^T | spell check | ^C | Cursor position |
^R | Read insert file | ^O | Output file |
^G | Get help | ^X | save eXit |
F1 | Get help | F5 | Read insert | F9 | cut region |
F2 | save eXit | F6 | search | F10 | paste |
F3 | Output file | F7 | backward page | F11 | Cursor position |
F4 | Justify paragraph | F8 | forward page | F12 | spell check |