[ SDF Public Access UNIX System .. Est. 1987 ]

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     Back ups are done incrementally at a minimum of a weekly basis for
     MetaARPA members. The majority of files on the file servers get
     backed up at that time provided there is space.  The priority is
     SDF specific files, then MetaARPA, ARPA and finally USERS.
     The only files that are not backed up are the ones in /tmp across all
     clients and servers.  If you use /tmp for storage it should only be
     considered as short term storage.  For instance, if a client machine
     has to be replaced due to hardware failure, you are not guaranteed
     that files in /tmp will appear on the replacement host.

     The back up disk array is only brought online during the weekly
     backup session.  It is not accessible to members.

     File restores can be requested by posting a message on the bboard
      and specifying the full path location to the files or
     directory.  You will receive an email with the location of your
     restored files.

     Its recommended to use the SDF 'delete, undelete and expunge' utilities
     which you can alias rm to in your .profile.  


©1987-2065 SDF Public Access UNIX System, Inc. 501(c)(7)
(this page was generated using ksh, sed and awk)