[ SDF Public Access UNIX System .. Est. 1987 ]

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     Do you have an instructor?  Are you K-12 or in college?  There are 
     always going to be more students than instructors on SDF and if you
     are current enrolled you can propose the idea of using SDF to your
     conventional instructors and see what they think.  Some of the 
     benefits of having a classroom on SDF are:

     1.  Instructor/Students can manage their own accounts.

         Typically at community colleges, universities and schools
         there is quite a bit of bureaucracy involved with direct 
         UNIX shell access.  SDF provide both instructors and students
         with the liberty to create and delete their UNIX shell accounts.

     2.  Less access restrictions.

         Even if you do get a request through to have accounts created,
         you are typically limited by tiny quotas, slow machines and
         access to programs/utilities 
         SDF allows the instructors to determine exactly what they want
         their students to use.  As well, SDF provides access to more
         esoteric and newer programming utilities.

     3.  SDF is for a lifetime.  

         After a semester is over, or when you are no longer enrolled,
         your account is typically removed from a university or K-12
         system.  SDF allows both instructors and students to become 
         permanent members of the organization.


©1987-2065 SDF Public Access UNIX System, Inc. 501(c)(7)
(this page was generated using ksh, sed and awk)