The SDF Travelling AT&T 605 UNIX Terminal
While featuring raspian isn't really the point, you could use the terminal to feature local programs.
If you login as user 'menu' password 'menu' and you have a network, you'll be connected to the Living
Computer Museum's TTY service which will then allow you to connect to several vintage machines. Logging
in as 'sdf' will take you to the old AT&T 3B2/500 when it is running in Seattle, WA (can be arranged).
It also features sdfer Seth Morabito's AT&T 3B2/400 emulator which is a bit of a surreal experience - just login as '3b2' to spin up a virtual historical SDF.
The terminal does not have a battery installed (due to leakage) so when you turn it on, it will default to 1200 7E1 with function key labels on. You'll want to set it to 9600 8N1 with labels off.
The SDF Travelling AT&T 605 UNIX Terminal Setup Screen