Exhibitor, Demo/Speaker and Volunteer registration is OPEN (Visitors to the event do not need to register)
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For network access during ICF, please contact: NOC@vintagelink.net
Name: Bradley Bell Exhibit: I'll bring my Quadra 700, joined into GlobalTalk, the worldwide network of retro appletalk-using devices. I'll have a Mac SE networked to it via PhoneNet, and I'll bring some extra phoneNet connectors if anyone has another mac they'd like to connect. I'll also bring my floppy imaging tools and a big pile of disks to archive. If anyone has an overhead projector to lend, we can employ my SE's old-school digital projection system. Requirements: 1 table, a couple of outlets, ethernet, a static IP would make setup easier, if that's possible.
Clay Erickson, SDF, SRCS This spring, I will only be available for Saturday for family reasons. I'm not sure yet what I will be bringing yet, but it will either be for Saturday, or I might be able to have a fellow SRCS member manage the exhibit. I will also bring my usual tools in case someone needs a tool for any onsite repair. Hopefully I will be able to attend the entire event in the fall. :-) I will either bring my Kaypro 4 or my Commodore 128 with 1571 drive (and/or 1581 if I get it working by then). Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Stephen Jones SDF.ORG One table demonstrating access to SDF's 21 Vintage Systems including a special M-NET Abornet exhibit using vintage terminals. Power requirements are 2A or less and an ethernet drop would be great. I would also like to give presentation on SDF Vintage Systems
Your name and organization/club (if relevant) A description of your exhibit, demo and/or how I'd like to help. (Please provide table, chair and power requirements) Name: Josh Dersch Exhibit: DEC VAXStation-II/GPX running 4.3bsd and X11R3, plus an AT&T 730 X terminal. Power: ~10A, 120V
Your name and organization/club (if relevant) A description of your exhibit, demo and/or how I'd like to help. (Please provide table, chair and power requirements) Errant/Danielle Jackson I've got two machines to show off 1) my modified atari 800xl with rapidus, ultimate 1mb, fujinet, side3, and VBXE upgrades. I'll have it running the contiki browser, games and demos 2) A sun ultra 2 workstation, decked out with 2x350mhz processors and 2gb of ram running Solaris and the CDE environment. I have a Creator3D card for it so I'll be trying to run some 3d demos. If space is at a premium I can try to get it all in a half a table (I was presenting the atari last year so I have an idea the table size). I'll need two outlets for the sun and one for the atari and one chair.
J.P., Vintage Link Services I will provide networking support to exhibitors and visitors similar to support provided during the SDF/ICF LAN Parties. >>>> IMPORTANT OTHER EXHIBITORS: to request network ports for your exhibit email: noc [AT] vintagelink.net. If possible provide your own 10-20 foot network cables. Let me know how many ports and if any need to be set for specific speeds (10half for those pesky old Asante NICs perhaps). If you want your own VLAN (with DHCP and static IP space) let me know (IP routing to the other VLANs and internet will be available). Otherwise the general access exhibitor network may be DHCP only. I am hoping to provide wireless networking on the exhibitor network(2.4 and 5 GHz separate for those dev board wireless connections on peripheral emulation devices). Also separate guest access. Find me for exhibitor network password. I will share a table with my vintage computer exhibit but need some space for switches around the room.
J.P., SRCS, SDF ICM/ICF Something like my 6100/66 DOS Compatibility (it's in the intake queue) if I can get it going in time, or Sun with SunPCi running Windows on an embedded PC in a non-windows computer/workstation. If those are working in time I'll bring a Sun or SGI workstation. Need a full table to share with the networking..or a little more space if I end up with multiple machines.
Project IVY I will be exhibiting some of my favorite ThinkPads along with a few other rare and interesting machines. At most I should need 1 table and 10 amps at 120 volts.
Your name and organization/club (if relevant) A description of your exhibit, demo and/or how I'd like to help. (Please provide table, chair and power requirements) This will be a Repeat of last Spring. Mark D. Overholser Events.. I'm presenting a Display on Networking on Classic Computers.. I'm into multiple Classic Systems, Apple ][, Commodore C64 and The Tandy Color Computer.. I also have multiple Networking Options for each of these systems.. A Ethernet Connection and 15A-20A AC Power would be perfect...
Exhibit: DOS Networking with mTCP Description: Besides demonstrating mTCP, I'll also bring driver diskettes and spare networking gear to help other people debug or get started with their networking setups. Requirements: I'd like a full table, two chairs, and be somewhat close to the Ethernet router for obvious reasons. Space permitting, another half of a table would be helpful for people getting help with their systems. Michael Brutman mbbrutman@brutman.com
Shaun/CursedSilicon Hi all, bringing the usual suspect of the World's Fastest Win98 PC. I'd also like to demo a prototype of my "retro computer internet service" known as Compu-Global-Hyper-Mega-Net (CGHMN) http://cghmn.cursedsilicon.net An eventual goal will be to have a network that retro computing enthusiasts can link in to for retro services (games, chat services like IRC etc). The prototype will probably just have a few websites and maybe a game server or two running but volunteers to the project are very much welcome! Will need a table outlet ethernet. Can bring a switch, power cables, power strip etc
Troy Staley / SRCS I'll exhibit a PCjr and Commodore 64