# Cameron King I am a family-man and tinkerer. The best hobbies are the ones that I can do with my family. I look for simple, practical solutions when possible. I also sometimes write code and post it to GitHub. I am reachable at the following locations: - Mastodon: @c5n@social.sdf.org - Facebook: [fb.com/cameroncking][fb] - LinkedIn: [in/cameroncking][in] - This Site: [Contact Form][webform] I am connected to the following non-profit organizations, please check them out and support them if you are so inclined. - [Emerald Crown Corporation](https://www.emeraldcrown.org) - President - [Woodland West Church of Christ](https://www.woodlandwest.org) - Media Ministry & IT Lead - [Siempre Familia Iglesia de Cristo](https://www.siemprefamilia.org) - Volunteer - [Cub Scout Pack 379](https://www.pack379.org) - Cubmaster - [Girl Scout Troop 1610](http://www.troop1610.org) - Outdoor Volunteer - [Cub Scout Pack 378](https://www.pack378.net) - Tech Support - [Arrowhead District](https://www.arrowheadlhc.org/) - Tech Support - [Jones Academy PTA](https://www.jonespta.org) - Tech Support - [Arlington Council of PTAs](https://www.jonespta.org) - Tech Support If you are a leader in one of these organizations, you can find support [here](https://tx0.org/1t/h). You can also browse this site at [gopher://sdf.org/1/users/c5n/][g]. My PGP key is 0xA3FFA82699B00AC25C5EC0695E07C3F2A883A459. [webform]: /~c5n/pages/contact/ [fb]: https://www.facebook.com/cameroncking [in]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cameroncking [d]: https://delta.chat [kb]: https://keybase.io/encrypt#cameronking [g]: https://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw.lite?=sdf.org+70+312f75736572732f63356e2f