
Tinker the Kludge

Refactoring in Nixos

October 24, 2022 — sameer


CI/CD without continuous refactoring is digital equivalent of horading – @GrdayBooch

Test case - Lisp env for Emacs


You are doing n projects with conflicting deps,envs and due overlaps.

Intersection I in configuration.nix.

In shell.nix

  • override the conflicting part of I - mkderivation
  • inherit the needed part of I - mkshell
  • declare the remainder
  • pin versions with niv or git-commits

Instead of too many crossing symlinks

This gets tricky

Say you get sbcl in a ~/workdir with nix shell, which doesn't import system env


Say your make file for a lib/package has both internal and of course external conf

mySourceRegexes = [



Itself - (recursive) 1


Let application or function to Compose everything else and return to self, add set of all the properties, itself, constraints , accessed dep paths to it, as your function composes everything (dep from self and returns everything to itself. Its like symlinking or man fetching clothes fromt the closet and wearing them.

Loops in, loops around

the sub/supersets of parametrs , as it accesses them and fetches them

What does it call itself


Trasitive dep 2

code can generate them and parse them, like a graph



shell name

env name

Transitive closure of dependency relationships - Includsion of references

You can define the process precisely with Natural Deduction using the inference rules

how do they combine ?

Like sur/nick name

attrname + commit hash -> version

pname3 $INPUT, version -> package name

curl -/-> any of this : pure vs impure

How does it call itself




Key ideas

system is not a package and vice versa

However, a package p may depend d on other set of system-level-packages s : {S} or its own set of plugins packages q: {Q}

This can be resolved by either

symlinking the store derivation path to the package dir of src

writing a pill to build p and calling s,q from it to get p'

writitng a flake with builinputs including q,s, get p''

pinning to the git commit of p, eg using import ,which has q,s' in the system level flake or config file

write a shell which does one or more of the above to keep the p-env independent of system level env

more provisioning , refactoring


in/correct builds can share the profile, so profile is innocent, unless found otherwise.

Analysing the diff of the build (or profile) pair can help trace the exact culprit, do that before filing a bug report

flake –rollback or switch-generation works, iff you have an older profile, else you need to reboot from the last working profile and then rebuild-switch be get the configuration, building which you broker the build/

Once fixed set that profile as default boot



Process Isolation

one process/ kernel/machine/ metal , unlike flakes , to which you can add as many build inputs as you need.

OS Kernel machine Metal
  sunixi Metal  
  hermitux docker Pine
Nixos Genode    
  OSv firecracker RISC V

Logic in Flakes


single repository

Gentoo puts package descriptions all in a single repository.

"inputs" pattern allows our expressions to be easily customizable through a set of arguments. These arguments could be flags, derivations, or whatever else. Our package expressions are functions

reaptedly overriding , reusing patterns and keeping them maintainable

using a central repository like nixpkgs, and defining overrides on our local machine without even modifying the original package



prefer super over rec, composition over recusrion.


c.f. check ghc rules regarding transitive dep


Not all derivations use pname

Author: System administrator

Created: 2022-11-16 Wed 10:01



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