
Tinker the Kludge

Types and impradicativity

October 18, 2022 — sameer

what good is knowing types , without unbderstanding (im)predicativity

type system of haskell with rank-2 extension is impredicative , allows partial types , whereas partial monads can be used for operational semantics

agda is predicative , so a type constructor can't quantify over the same universe it occupies

AOC and variant of birthday Problem

Say you have a set of objects and a set of relations which can exist among them, can you decidably tell how each of them is related to everyone else in their set? Always?

how ll you do this with

rank -2 extension types present in these sets?

agda with restrictions on ∀

How does it affect being realted transitively ~GHC

relevant literature

stratified lambda calculus - book

stratified lob theorem - paper

another paper , i can't name atm

cumulative vs non cumulative types

Coq Coq Correct! Verification of Type Checking and Erasure for Coq, in Coq

Author: System administrator

Created: 2022-11-06 Sun 12:13



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